Ex Cathedra Solutions Limited Privacy Policy

Who We are

Ex Cathedra Solutions Limited, a company registered in England and Wales, reg number 08725371. Our main office and contact point is 119 Port Road East, Barry, CF62 9PX, email may be sent via the “contact us” link on each page.

How we use your information

We collect information about:

  • Our customers and where contractually required, their staff, contractors and customers
  • Our workforce
  • Our suppliers
  • Visitors to our website
  • Persons who are within range of our CCTV cameras as per our CCTV Policy

This information is used to:

  • Fulfil contracts with our customers
  • Manage our employees and contractors, and ensure that we comply with employment law
  • Manage our supplier relationships and payments
  • Ensure the safety of our staff, customers and equipment
  • Prevent and detect crime
  • Track use of our sites anonymously and respond to requests for information from our sites

If we hold data about you, you have rights in respect of your data including:

  • to be supplied information on our uses
  • to see what data we are holding about you
  • to request correction or erasure of your data
  • to object to processing
  • to complain to us about our data or the supervisory authority

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please click the contact us link at the top of the page or see the contact details later in this document.

This Privacy Notice is updated regularly. The latest version will always be on our website, so please check back here for the newest version.

The rest of this document gives further details on our collection, storage and use of data for each type of data we hold. It also provides information on who we share with and how to exercise your rights if you are not happy.

We welcome your comments on how we can improve this notice; please contact us using the contact link at the top of this page.

The categories of information that we collect, hold and share include:

  • Personal contact information (name, address, telephone number)
  • Data required to fulfil contracts; these are commonly data protection officer engagements so can be wide ranging.
  • Records of financial transactions and contracts with you
  • Email records of correspondence
  • Journal records of discussions held we have attended with you
  • For photographic clients, photographs and location information associated with the images
  • CCTV images of persons in or near our premises and vehicles. Note that we do NOT have CCTV in any private areas of our buildings including changing rooms, bathrooms and toilets.
  • For staff, required taxation, contract and bank details
  • Cookies as required to run this website; these are anonymous in the sense we do not record names or emails but do include IP addresses and similar identifiers that under UK law are regarded as personal. You can opt out of tracking cookies on our cookie banner – we do not use advertising cookies.

Why we collect and use this information

We use this information to:

  • run our business including fulfilling our contracts with you, making and receiving payment and administration of our services
  • to stay in touch with you if you have requested us to do so
  • ensure the safety of our staff and customers
  • to provide you with repeat prints or electronic copies of photographs

The lawful basis on which we use this information

We collect and use this information under:

  • The UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Article 6 (b) – to fulfil contracts
  • The GDPR Article 6(c) – to fulfil legal obligations e.g. financial and tax records
  • The GDPR Article 6 (a) – for example, where you have asked us to keep in touch or accept cookies
  • The GDPR Article 6 (f) – our legitimate interests, for example protecting the organisation from theft. We have considered our uses of data and our interest in protecting our organisation is sufficient to take precedence over your other rights in the specific cases such as CCTV recording.

We do not retain data in any of the special categories under Article 9 of the GDPR except when acting on behalf of others; in those cases we are a processor for the customers and requests concerning our use should be directed at the controller. Feel free to contact us direct if you have difficulty contacting the controller.

Collecting your information

Information is collected in the course of business e.g. when taking out contracts, when making payments, when taking photographs. All collection is overt, we do not receive data from others about you nor collect data in covert manners. Where we use CCTV this is indicated by clear signage.

Storing Your Data

All data is stored encrypted on our devices and we make every effort to ensure it is encrypted in transit if practicable. All data is stored on servers in countries with appropriate levels of data protection (a “decision of adequacy” by the UK ICO).

We retain your data for the following periods:

  • Contractual and financial – 6 years plus current financial year
  • Contact information – 5 years after our last contact with you
  • Photographs – 5 years after the image was captured or last requested whichever is later
  • CCTV – 90 days after collection unless required for evidential purposes
  • Other data – 5 years

Who we share information with and why

We only share information where we are legally required to do so.

Algorithms and Profiling

We do not use algorithms or profiling on your data.

If you have concerns about our data use or wish to make a subject request

To make a request about your data or to express a concern to us, please use the contact us link at the top of the page, or by post to our registered office 119 Port Road East, Barry, CF62 9PX.

Alternatively, you may contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at https://ico.org.uk/concerns/. You have the right to raise concerns with us and the commissioner, although we would prefer that you tried to resolve matters with us first.

Our other policies

Data Protection Policy
CCTV Policy
Staff Guidance on data handling


This policy is reviewed annually. The last review date was 27 Mar 2024.