Our Free DPO Advice Channel!

Want some basics on NHS Data Use? Need to understand what rights you have to access your relative’s medical data? Pop over to @dpoadvicefromsteve on YouTube for our explainer videos! …

Freedom image decorative

Extra Capacity Available!

On 30 April we completed the long-running contract we had with a London Borough; we’ve been providing them and their schools with DPO services since 2018, and a variety of …

Cyber Essentials Certification

A number of government departments now require Cyber Essentials certification for organisations supplying to them. I’m please to announce we have achieved this. You can check our certification by clicking …

Speaking at Microsoft London – 20 Sept 2016

Steve has quite a few speaking engagements coming up. Next one is with Automated Intelligence and Microsoft in London. Places are still available if you’re quick! http://automated-intelligence.com/art-of-the-possible/


Finally, encryption for the masses… Let’s Encrypt (https://letsencrypt.org/) has now officially launched their public beta, and we are using their certificates across our sites, with the sole exception of excathedra.co …


We’ve got some new qualifications for consultants in the business to ensure delivery stays tip-top… Over Christmas and January, we’ve worked to bring some new qualifications into the business. As …